Letters to the editor 2
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Record learning outcomes
I have no hope of anything changing!
We have only managed to achieve the target number three times since the service started. We have no hope of hitting the new targets, even the lower thresholds.
I have proactively engaged with our local surgeries to encourage the use of the service but we’re having no success as the GPs are not interested in engaging.
The few engagements we have achieved are walk-in patients. I have highlighted the unfairness of the payment system to Community Pharmacy Greater Manchester at their annual general meeting but hold out no hope of anything changing.
Vinod Patel, Bradshaw Street Pharmacy, Wigan.
It's a brilliant idea but just impossible to do!
It's a massive help to people in the community, absolutely massive. But to get the funding and the numbers we are required to hit now, increasing to 20, is just impossible.
Lisa Gallagher, Stephen's Pharmacy, Liverpool.
Companies use PF for income even if clients do not need treatment
I think this is a good service, freeing up lots of time for GPs so that they can deal with more complex cases. It has also helped awareness of clients regarding our ability to treat at least 30 minor ailments and seven clinical conditions.
However, my criticisms are as follows; Locum pharmacists need to register for their authenticator to work in each health authority.
And pharmacists are getting referrals from NHS 111 for conditions that need input from a doctor, such as vitiligo and chest infections.
Some companies are using Pharmacy First as an income source, even though the client may not need any treatment.
Shenu Barclay, Wheatley Pharmacy, Oxfordshire.