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Largest training event in UK

Pharmacy Show

Largest training event in UK

The Pharmacy Show is by far the largest pharmacy training event in the UK and plays a vital role in supporting community, primary and secondary care pharmacy professionals with free continued professional development content, covering strategy, tactics, clinical, business, public health, digital health, leadership, and GP practice pharmacy training, as well as advice vital for the future of the profession.

This claim by the Show organisers is backed up by a multi-topic programme across eight venues. The Keynote Theatre will home in on big topics currently affecting pharmacy. They include: an update from NHS England; contract updates from the PSNC; getting ready for Quality Payments; and a panel session of community pharmacy owners discussing the future of pharmacy. This theatre will be chaired by Richard Thomas, editor of Pharmacy Magazine.

The Business Theatre programme will include: Brexit and the implications for pharmacy; developing travel health; successful operation of services. This theatre will also deliver “how to” sessions with simple top tips and practical advice. Making your business more profitable and saving you money will be high on the agenda, organisers say. A new Women in Leadership session will be held on the Sunday, too.

The Pharmacy Technology Theatre will feature, among other things, automation within pharmacy, an app to track pharmacy deliveries, opportunities from social media, and the role of technology in the future of community pharmacy.

The PSNC Pharmacy Services Innovation Theatre is designed to “inspire and motivate” community pharmacists with ideas around commissioned services for additional income streams, ways to connect with CCGs, local authorities, and local charities and to show the capability of pharmacies across the country. Among the many topics will be the sore throat service and “how to go big” in HLP.

The Clinical Theatre will cover a variety of topics including asthma, cancer care, sepsis and diabetes, and will include the consultation and soft skills needed when managing patients with long-term conditions. The Public Health and Wellbeing Forum will give delegates content mapped to the public health agenda. Topics include, cancer prevention, smoking cessation, sexual health and mental health.

The Primary Care Theatre, sponsored by Independent Community Pharmacist, has content designed to support clinical pharmacists in their new practice-based role and offer advice to those keen to integrate community pharmacy with general practice. Topics will include a session on the drive to recruit more practice pharmacists, which will be chaired by Liz Jones, editor of Independent Community Pharmacist.

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