This site is intended for Healthcare Professionals only

mental illness

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Public health

Smoking may increase risk of developing mental illness

Smoking likely to increase a person's risk of developing schizophrenia, say researchers.

20 Jun 2022 , 1 Min Article

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Education & training

Mental health training for pharmacists opens application process

The 12-month scheme starts this spring and offers 50 pre-funded places.

28 Mar 2022 , 1 Min Article

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Child & teen health

Children in troubled households more likely to suffer mental health issues

Researchers looked at the anonymised hospital and GP records of 190,000 children in Wales.

19 Aug 2021 , 1 Min Article

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We must tackle the causes of pharmacists' stress

Let us be tough on stress and tough on the causes of stress, says the PDA's Claire Ward.

03 Oct 2019 , 2 Min Article