In Sponsored Education

Children depend on adults when it comes to pain assessment, prevention and treatment. 1
You can help caregivers choose the most suitable treatment for acute pain in a child.
REMEMBER: “The inability to communicate verbally does not negate the possibility that an individual (child) is experiencing pain and is in need of appropriate pain-relieving treatment.” 2
Therefore, it is important to explore non-verbal signs and symptoms to assess a child’s needs.
This module focuses on treatment recommendations for acute pain occasions in children.
On completion, you will:
- Understand the role of ibuprofen in the management of pain and fever in children
- Be able to discuss the advantages of ibuprofen over paracetamol in pain and fever management
- Be confident to recommend an appropriate treatment for common acute child pain occasions
- Understand the safety, efficacy and tolerability profile of ibuprofen to enable you to make appropriate recommendations in common pain conditions