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Wholesalers profit from ‘desperate’ patients says pharmacist MP

Labour MP says her party 'must start really looking' at the drugs supply chain

26 Jul 2024 , 1 Min Article


NSAIDs continue to be a source of avoidable harm

Problematic NSAID prescribing costs NHS England an estimated £31m over 10 years, says a new study.

26 Jul 2024 , 2 Min Article


Labour to take pharmacy IT resilience ‘seriously’ after CrowdStrike outage

DCMS junior minister grilled on health sector IT resilience after CrowdStrike chaos

26 Jul 2024 , 1 Min Article


Re-opening P meds debate is ‘premature and dangerous’ says PDA

PDA challenges Society by launching its own survey on P medicine self-selection.

25 Jul 2024 , 2 Min Article

Cardiovascular diseases

MHRA approves stroke prevention indication for Wegovy

Semaglutide approved to prevent cardiac events following multi-country study.

25 Jul 2024 , 1 Min Article


Exclusive: Public increasingly confident using OTCs turn away from pharmacy?

Fewer consumers are seeking advice and treatment from pharmacists as a first step, according to a new report from PAGB.

23 Jul 2024 , 3 Min Article

Skin conditions

New dermatology courses for community pharmacists

Each of the six courses includes case studies and skin examination advice.

23 Jul 2024 , 1 Min Article


Industry body calls on Government to prioritise self-care to benefit NHS

PAGB shares six key actions for ministers to prioritise in first 100 days.

22 Jul 2024 , 2 Min Article