GPhC wants views on updated disclosure policy
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The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) has introduced an updated version of its publication and disclosure policy. The updated policy will help make sure it is complying with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).
The publication and disclosure policy covers the information the GPhC publishes on its website and online register; information it discloses to third parties; and how it deals with individual requests for information. It sets out how the GPhC will do this in a consistent, transparent and fair way.
The GPhC is seeking views on the new policy and welcomes input from interested groups across the pharmacy sector, including those who have been through its fitness to practise processes, patients and the public, and organisations involved in GDPR.
There are two key changes in the policy on which the GPhC is seeking feedback. Firstly, what it needs to consider when making decisions to publish or disclose information that is in the public interest; and secondly, changing the length of time for which sanctions appear on a pharmacy professional’s entry on the online register.Â
Duncan Rudkin, chief executive of the GPhC commented: “We have implemented our updated publication and disclosure policy to help make sure we comply with the GDPR.
“As a professional and systems regulator it is essential to consider how we balance our aim to be open and transparent and working in the public interest with the rights and freedoms of individuals so that what we publish or disclose is proportionate.
“Our new publication and disclosure policy outlines the information we publish on our website and online register, the information we disclose to third parties and how we deal with individual requests for information.
“We’d like to hear feedback from interested individuals and organisations about the new publication and disclosure policy which we have now brought into effect.
“In particular, we want to hear views on the length of time we will publish information about a pharmacy professional’s fitness to practise history on the online register. We also want to hear what impact the changes we’ve made to our policy may have on various stakeholder groups.â€
You can access the consultation document here.