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New quit kits
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Perrigo has launched a new NiQuitin marketing campaign led by real-life quitters.
A central focus of the Stoptober campaign will be a new TV advert which will feature a testimonial creative focusing on smokers who have successfully quit using NiQuitin.
The TV advert runs until 29 October, and will be supported with out of home and digital activity throughout the £1.2m campaign. With a fresh new look, the campaign will partner with independent pharmacies to provide Quit Kits to help smokers kickstart their journey to a smoke-free life.
Each kit will contain a diary, information on NHS support tools and materials to help smokers successfully quit. “Stoptober is a significant time for us and this year, we aim to highlight the real-life struggles people go through when trying to quit smoking,” said Laure de Brauer, head of marketing, get well brands, at Perrigo.
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