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Win the recognition your pharmacy deserves

Pharmacy Awards

Win the recognition your pharmacy deserves

If you think other independents can learn from the excellent staff, services and systems at your pharmacy, why not share your experiences with colleagues by entering this year’s Independent Pharmacy Awards

We are looking for pharmacies that reflect the high standards, excellent teamwork and innovation that the independent sector can be proud of. Winners will be presented with a £500 cheque and a certificate at a presentation event to be held at the Waldorf Hotel in London on September 30.

The 2016 awards categories are:

  • lndependent Pharmacist of the Year, sponsored by Numark
    Recognising the independent pharmacist who has done the most to develop clinical services.
  • Independent Pharmacy Innovation Award, sponsored by the NPA
    For the independent pharmacist who demonstrates the most innovative approach to running their business.
  • Independent Pharmacy Team of the Year, sponsored by TENA
    This award recognises the team that has worked best together to improve patient care and business performance.
  • Key Staff Award, sponsored by RB UK UK                                                                             For a member of staff who has gone beyond the call of duty to support a patient or group of patients.
  • Pharmacy Team Learning and Development, sponsored by Actavis
    Recognises an independent pharmacist who has shown commitment to staff learning, training and development.

How to enter

Simply email the editor at with a very brief description of three areas in which your pharmacy excels. Don’t forget to include the category you are entering, the name of your pharmacy and a contact phone number.

Shortlisted candidates will be asked to provide a more detailed description of their work and how it qualifies them for an award. They can also include pictures, press cuttings, testimonials and other supporting evidence where relevant.

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