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Your questions answered - August 2018

NPA Essential

Your questions answered - August 2018

A selection of recent members’ questions to the NPA on the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) revalidation framework for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians.

Q: Why has the revalidation framework been introduced?

A: The new revalidation framework has been introduced in order to meet the expectations of the public, encourage reflection on practice and increase the focus on the outcomes for ‘service users’. The revalidation framework will replace the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) framework.

Q: Who needs to complete the revalidation framework?

A: All GPhC registered pharmacists and pharmacy technicians will be required to complete the revalidation framework annually, at the point of renewing their registration. This includes pharmacists and pharmacy technicians working full or part-time, those on maternity leave and those on military postings. Pre-registration students are not required to complete revalidation until registration with the GPhC is complete.

Q: What will I need to submit and when?

A: To renew registration with the GPhC, pharmacists and pharmacy technicians will be required to submit the following records on an annual basis:

•     Four CPD records

•     One peer discussion

•     One reflective account

Each registrant will be informed by the GPhC on what records will be required to be submitted at the point of renewal.

Q: What types of CPD do I need to complete?

A: Each registrant will be required to complete and submit a total of four CPD records. A minimum of two CPD records must be planned learning activities; the remainder can be planned or unplanned learning activities.

Q: What do my CPD records need to include?

A: A planned CPD entry should include a description of what learning is planned, what you need to learn (such as skills, knowledge or a new approach) to improve your practice and how you will learn this. It should also include an explanation of why the learning is relevant to your current role and how it will affect service users.

Finally, a real-life example of how the learning has affected service users and if available, include any feedback on your practice provided by others. An unplanned CPD entry should include a description of the unplanned event or activity that led you to learn something new, or refresh your knowledge. A real-life example of how the learning has benefited service users should also be included and if available, any feedback on your practice provided by others. For all records, patient identifiable information must not be included.

Q: What is a peer discussion?

A: A peer discussion is an activity undertaken through engagement with others, involving reflection on learning and practice. The peer discussion should positively influence your practice and aid reflection, rather than the peer undertaking an assessment of you.

Q: What does my peer discussion and record need to cover/ include?

A: During the discussion, consider discussing the following areas from your practice:

• Your CPD activities, Your reflective account, Critical incidents/ significant events, Reviewing complaints and compliments, Feedback from service users and the GPhC “Standards for pharmacy professionals”.

The peer discussion record should include the following details in regards to your peer (if a group peer discussion was undertaken, record details of one individual from the group):

• Name, role, organisation, telephone number and email address. The record must also include an explanation why you chose the peer, and how the peer discussion has helped you to reflect on your practice and make necessary improvements.

Q: What is a reflective account?

A: A reflective account is an activity designed to encourage reflection on learning, their practice and how it affects service users. An important component of the reflective account is a focus on the GPhC “Standards for pharmacy professionals”.

Q: What does the reflective account need to include?

A: The reflective account record should include:

• A short summary of your practice in the past year

• Detail who are your typical service users

• Explain how you have met one or more of the determined GPhC standards for pharmacy professionals

• Real-life examples of the application of the GPhC professional standards in practice. Each registrant will be informed by the GPhC at the start of their registration year, which of the GPhC professional standard(s) the reflective account should focus on.

Q: What are the submission deadlines for 2018?

A: Each registrant will be sent a personalised timeline from the GPhC which outlines exactly what they need to submit and at what dates. If GPhC registration expires on 31 December 2018, registrants will be required to submit four CPD entries as part of your renewal by 31 October 2018 – this can only be submitted once the renewal window opens from 1 September 2018. In 2019, these registrants will be required to submit all six records as part of the registration renewal process, including four CPD entries, one peer discussion and one reflective account. If GPhC registration expires before 31 December 2018, registrants will not be required to submit any records in 2018, although it remains a statutory duty for all registered pharmacists and pharmacy technicians to complete a minimum of nine CPDs a year. In 2019, these registrants will be required to submit four CPDs and in 2020, they will be required to submit all six records - four CPDs, one peer discussion and one reflective account.

These FAQs were correct at the time of publishing. For more visit

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