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NPA Essential

Your opinion counts

Recent consultation responses submitted by the NPA following member feedback

NPA welcomes Government re-think on hub and spoke

The NPA has wholeheartedly welcomed the government’s re-think on hub and spoke dispensing, which was announced in Parliament (Tuesday 7 June). In answer to a written parliamentary question from Stephen Pound MP, the pharmacy minister Alastair Burt stated that legislation on this issue will no longer commence on 1 October 2016. Instead, the Department of Health will enter into detailed talks with pharmacy representatives before progressing any legislation.

The Future of Pharmacy Regulation in Northern Ireland

In our response we recognise the unique position of the pharmacy profession in Northern Ireland whereby the Pharmaceutical Society performs the dual functions of regulation and professional leadership.

We commend the delivery of regulation and professional leadership since 2012, when legislative arrangements introduced by the Department led to a partial separation of the regulatory and professional leadership functions of the Pharmaceutical Society. However, we are disappointed that the consultation does not fully investigate the impact of a range of options to modernise regulation and professional leadership in Northern Ireland. Neither the public nor registrants are provided with sufficient information on all available options to make an informed response on the most effective future model.

The NPA believes that the single most important factor in delivering modernised and strengthened statutory regulation is the assurance of public safety. We believe that this consultation does not fully evidence the improvements to public safety which would be envisaged by a UK-wide regulatory arrangement.

The Department must ensure that, whatever decision is reached, legislative framework and regulation is fit for purpose in terms of protecting the public as well as enabling innovative and new practice models. The full response can be read at

For details of other recent consultation responses by the NPA email or contact the NPA’s Policy Manager, Helga Mangion, on 01727 858 687 ext 3376.

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