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Welsh language standards and other consultations

NPA Essential

Welsh language standards and other consultations

The NPA frequently responds to policy consultations on behalf of members

Welsh language standards to improve services in the health sector for Welsh speakers

The draft regulations stating the standards aim to:

  • Increase and improve the use of Welsh language services by bodies in the health sector so that Welsh-speakers can expect to receive a service in Welsh without having to request it 
  • Clarify the requirements for use of the Welsh language to bodies in the health sector
  • Ensure that the duties placed on bodies within the same sectors are consistent

Members of the public, bodies that are required to adhere to the standards and anyone else who is interested in them are invited to offer their view(s) on the standards by submitting their comments via post, email or telephone by 14 October 2016.

Health Education England workstreams

E-portfolios: As part of HEE’s Pharmacist Education and Training Reform programme, pharmacists in certain regions of England are piloting projects to support a more rigorous assessment of learning in practice. One pilot is testing an e-portfolio system for pre-registration community pharmacists to record evidence online, allow the tutor to monitor and support trainee’s progress, and provide a formative assessment agaisnt the GPhC’s performance standards.

Pre-registration pharmacist recruitment

HEE will be introducing centralised recruitment and selection for preregistration pharmacists’ posts from 2017 (2018 intake) onwards. The process will utilise the IT system ORIEL which is already in place for the recruitment of dentists, doctors and healthcare scientists. It will apply to all hospital preregistration pharmacist posts and will be optional for community pharmacy preregistration posts.

Further information about the proposed process can be found at

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