NPA Essential
Policy consultation responses
In NPA Essential
Record learning outcomes
The NPA frequently responds to policy consultations on behalf of members
The NPA frequently responds to policy consultations on behalf of members
Likely impact of DH proposals
The Government has stated that cuts and ‘efficiency’ changes could be implemented from December. As part of our ongoing campaign, we need to present an evidence-based picture of the potential consequences of the proposals. Complete our survey about how you are likely to respond to cuts, at
Improving services in the health sector for Welsh speakers
Last chance to offer views on draft regulations to increase and improve the use of Welsh language services by bodies in the health sector. Email or phone the NPA by 14 October.
Changes to the Pharmaceutical Services Regulations (NI) 1997
New proposed arrangements for the independent prescribing of drugs and appliances by therapeutic radiographers, inclusion of registered dieticians as supplementary prescribers plus an amendment to enable a chemist to refuse to supply drugs or appliances if threatened with violence. Deadline 21 October.
GPhC Consultation: Review of CPD
The General Pharmaceutical Council consultation is seeking pharmacists’ opinions on a new approach for review of continuing professional development records. The NPA will be responding and would like your views by 26 October.
House of Lords: Long-term sustainability of NHS
The NPA has recently submitted evidence to a House of Lords Select Committee looking into the sustainability issues facing the NHS and the impact they will have over the next 15-20 years.
Business consultations impacting SMEs
The NPA responds to Government consultations on issues that affect all small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). This included the Apprenticeship levy system (currently due to launch in April 2017) and the Government plans to reform business rates, allowing local councils to decide rate levels and keep 100% of the revenue.
For more information contact Helga Mangion, NPA Policy Manager, on 01727 858 687 ext 3376 or