NPA Essential
Modern Slavery Act 2015: What are my obligations?
In NPA Essential
Record learning outcomes
The NPA has published new resources to help members discharge their obligations under the Modern Slavery Act
It comes after several pharmacy contractors were approached by NHS England teams in relation to the Act. In particular pharmacy contractors are being asked to submit one of the following:
• A compliance statement if the business did not exceed £36m turnover in the last fi nancial year
• A copy of the mandatory ‘modern slavery’ statement if the business did exceed a turnover of £36m.
The NPA is aware that this is relatively new legislation and there may be a limit on the amount of information contractors have in relation to their obligations.
The NPA’s legal team and its employment advisory business partner, Ellis Whittam, both advise that, although there is no obligation to submit a statement, it would be advisable if they did so.
To assist in meeting the requirements set out in Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, the NPA has produced information and template letters that can be used as part of a response to organisations requesting information about compliance.
For more information, contact the NPA Pharmacy team on 01727 891800 or email