NPA Essential
Healthy Living Pharmacy – the answers
In NPA Essential
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Leyla Hannbeck, Chief Pharmacist at the NPA, on registration as a Level 1 Healthy Living Pharmacy (HLP)
Community pharmacies in England are now able to register as a Level 1 Healthy Living Pharmacy (HLP) under the new self-assessment process. The Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH) is the quality assurance provider for the HLP self-assessment scheme, and contractors can register their pharmacy as a Level 1 HLP by completing the registration process on the RSPH website.
Achieving HLP Level 1 status is one of the quality criteria under the new quality payments scheme for community pharmacies in England. This criterion is worth 20 quality points, which amounts to a minimum payment of £1,280.
The self-assessment process requires pharmacy teams to work through the HLP Level 1 quality criteria, provide appropriate evidence and complete an online assessment of compliance form. Once this is completed satisfactorily and submitted to the RSPH, pharmacies should receive confirmation of registration and an HLP certificate within ten working days. Currently, registration is free, as this pilot scheme is being funded by Public Health England.
As part of the HLP quality criteria, pharmacies are required to have a Healthy Living Champion (HLC), and leadership training. Information on the NPA training available to meet these criteria is on the NPA website.
HLPs will need to go through the self-assessment process and registration every two years. Pharmacies already accredited as HLPs by their Local Authority will not be able to complete the registration process with the RSPH, as this pilot scheme is for community pharmacies that are yet to achieve Level 1 HLP status.
For further information please contact the NPA Pharmacy Services team on 01727 891800 or email at: