NPA Essential
A summary of new NPA resources
In NPA Essential
Record learning outcomes
Support for self-care and signposting
The resources include a self care and signposting directory, guidance document on training, and record keeping and reporting requirements. A template standard operating procedure is also included.
Accessing summary care records
Pharmacists with an NHS contract are now required to access a patient’s Summary Care Record (SCR) under specific circumstances as the Health Service (Pharmaceutical and Local Pharmaceutical Services) (Amendments) Regulations 2016 have now come into effect. The NPA’s SCR resources will be updated to reflect the changes.
Members in Northern Ireland and Scotland can access new resources on providing support on safeguarding vulnerable adults and children.
Service user consent policy
Designed as an aid for community pharmacists to use when obtaining patient consent.
Controlled Drugs resources
Following Controlled Drugs amendments in Northern Ireland, the NPA has produced resources
to support pharmacies.
Business support pack
The new resources cover SWOT analysis, a drug tariff guide, how to improve your pharmacy business, the benefits of renting out a consultation room, daily and weekly checklists and CPAF and GPhC inspection top tips. The resources will be available to download shortly from