PHE claims flu vaccine achieved 60% protection
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A report by Public Health England (PHE) has claimed the adjuvanted influenza vaccine (aTIV), recommended this year for people aged 65 and over, provided more than 60% protection against flu.
PHE’s latest annual flu report identified Influenza A (H1N1) pdm09 as the main strain this season, with Influenza A (H3N2) also prominent. The adjuvanted vaccine was given to people 65 and over for the first time this season.
A record three million children received the flu vaccination this winter, while the vaccine reduced the likelihood of people going to their GP because of flu by about 44%.
“Next season, all children up to the age of 10 years will be offered the nasal spray vaccine which means that all children in primary school will be eligible across the whole of the UK,” PHE said.
Health minister Seema Kennedy said: “It’s great to see that most 65 and overs in this country received the flu jab this year and those who did so were at a reduced risk of getting flu and less likely to have to see their GP as a result.
“It’s also really promising to see that this year around three million children were vaccinated and we’re expanding and improving the vaccine programme so that from next year it will be available to all children in primary school.
“This data continues to prove that vaccines work and I urge everyone to continue to take advantage of the world-leading programme of vaccines we have in this country.”
Picture: StockPlanets (iStock)