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Over 10,000 contractors meet quality payments criteria


Over 10,000 contractors meet quality payments criteria

More than 10,000 community pharmacy contractors have met the criteria for the quality payments scheme, the PSNC has revealed.

Drawing on the latest NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) report, pharmacy’s negotiator revealed that 10,292 contactors “have been validated” as meeting the criteria.

“Contractors who have been validated will be paid a Quality Payment based on the quality criteria they declared they met when they completed their declaration. This payment will be made as part of the full payment for their March 2019 submission to NHSBSA (which contractors will receive at the start of June 2019),” the PSNC said.

“Contractors who made a declaration by the deadline (March 1 2019) but who have not yet been validated as meeting the five gateway criteria still have an opportunity to be eligible for a quality payment but urgent action is required.”

The PSNC said contractors who have been validated for a quality payment will be notified by email from NHSBSA.

To meet the criteria, pharmacies must give patients the opportunity to access at least one advanced service at their pharmacy, update/validate their NHS website profile and have the results of their latest community pharmacy patient questionnaire publicly available on their NHS website.

They also need to have a live premises NHSmail account with two live linked personal accounts and have pharmacy operating systems and browsers which are compliant with NHS Digital’s warranted environment specification.



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