Motion called to limit national pharmacy board terms
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A member of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) has proposed a motion ahead of its annual general meeting next month calling for individuals on the three national pharmacy boards to be limited to two terms.
Mohammed Hussain (pictured), the programme head for integrated pharmacy at NHS Digital, took to Twitter to propose that no member should be elected, not only for two consecutive terms, but two terms in their lifetime.
The RPS AGM, which is open to its members only, is on April 10 at its London headquarters.
“I would like to propose the following motion ‘no member shall be elected to a national board for more than 2 terms.’ Any supporters? must be an @rpharms member,” he tweeted.
He added: “If applied it will automatically bring the same result for Assembly as they are constituted from Boards. However in the interim as that change flows through worth being clear ‘no member shall be elected to a national board or Assembly for more than 2 terms.’”
Hussain later tweeted: “Personally I would limit to 2 lifetime terms. Original proposal was only for 2 consecutive terms, thereby allowing return for another 2 terms after a break (not sure of the length of that break, 1 year, or a 3 year term?)”
He also tweeted he was “open” to the RPS president having “up to three terms” but insisted “that would be (the) exception rather than (the) rule.”
Hussain recently ruled himself out of the running for election to the English Pharmacy Board (EPB) this year because individuals cannot “make a difference when the system is designed to resist reform.”
Five places are available on the EPB while there are three each on the Scottish and Welsh Boards. The deadline for submitted nominations is April 4.