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Free places for ICP readers to Pharmacy Conference 2017

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Free places for ICP readers to Pharmacy Conference 2017

Sixty free places are available to Independent Community Pharmacist readers for the upcoming Pharmacy Conference at the University of Salford on Thursday 7th December.

Taking place at the university's Adelphi House, the keynote speaker is Deputy Chief Pharmaceutical officer of NHS England, Bruce Warner. He will be exploring themes such as the forward strategy and operational development of medicine policy, medicine optimisation, community pharmacy pathways and the increasing education gap.

In addition to Dr. Warner, there will be several speakers from NHS Digital, local CCGs, the Royal Pharmaceutical Society and established universities.

Themes of the day include:
· How will Brexit affect the pharmaceutical industry, from getting new treatments approved through to supporting customers?
· How can universities and industry work together to ensure that newly qualified pharmacists have the skills required to succeed in the profession?
· Prescribing pharmacists are helping to support the implementation of the Carter report and Hospital Transformation Plan at LTHTR
· Successfully implementing necessary change
· Recruiting and employing clinical pharmacists in GP surgeries, is this beneficial as well as achievable?

Readers can register using the 'Book Now' facility on the web page here or email here for further details.

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