In CPD modules
Community pharmacists can use this article as part of their continuing professional development, a key component of revalidation.
The content and references in this article can be used as a stimulus for your own further research and should prompt you to include a range of activities in your personal learning log.
This module looks at children’s health protection.
To review children’s vaccination through the NHS childhood immunisation programme and the concerns of not being adequately protected.
After completing this module, you should be more aware of:
· Public health concerns about outbreaks of measles and other diseases;
· The UK prevalence of diseases included in the childhood immunisation programme;
· Vaccine uptake levels and how they are below target;
· The schedule of vaccines included in childhood and teenage immunisation;
· Vaccines not routinely included in the childhood immunisation programme, but which may be offered in certain circumstances;
· Concerns about measles and its potential for complications;
· Complications associated with other diseases for which routine vaccination is available;
· The concept of vaccine hesitancy and discussing vaccination concerns with parents and caregivers;
· The impact slight changes in vaccination coverage can have on disease outbreak;
· Resources and data relating to the diseases targeted in routine childhood immunisation.