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National minor ailments service on the cards

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National minor ailments service on the cards

PSNC is in discussion with NHS Employers about a national community pharmacy minor ailments service.

Although it is unable to comment on ongoing negotiations, PSNC made the following statement on its website: "PSNC believes that to bring most benefit a minor ailments service should encourage patients to use it as an alternative to a GP consultation for minor conditions, as well as promoting self-care.

"This will require the provision of evidence-based advice and support alongside the supply of appropriate medication. Such a service would require high quality data capture to ensure clinical records are adequate and that the impact of the service can be assessed, so it is vital that the costs of this are fully recognised and accounted for."

Welcoming the news, Numark’s director of marketing Mandeep Mudhar said: "The service must not be compromised either through inadequate funding or by limiting the range of ailments covered as this will imply that there is still not sufficient trust in community pharmacy’s capability." He suggested the service should include the following ailments:

  • Common coughs and colds
  • Simple skin conditions, eg, dry skin, mild eczema
  • Eye infections
  • Head lice
  • Children's high temperature/colds/coughs.

The Royal Pharmaceutical Society has launched an animation to raise awareness of minor ailments services available around the country. The animation was developed with pharmacist Jasmeen Islam, deputy head of medicines management at the North West Commissioning Support Unit forWirral CCG. The CCG is rolling out the minor aliments service in over 80 community pharmacies in Wirral.



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