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NPA flu resources now available

NPA Essential

NPA flu resources now available

The NPA has launched flu resources following the publication of the PGD and service specification for the national community pharmacy seasonal influenza vaccination Advanced Service

Following the publication of the NHS community pharmacy seasonal influenza vaccination Advanced Service 2017/18 service specification and PGD, and the amendments made to the Pharmaceutical Services (Advanced and Enhanced Services) (England) Directions 2013, pharmacy contractors who meet the requirements can start providing the NHS flu vaccination service from 1 September 2017. The service will run until 31 March 2018. The NPA has developed a suite of resources to support members in delivering both NHS and private infl uenza vaccination services, including:
1. NHS Community Pharmacy Flu Vaccination Advanced Service SOP (2017/18)”
2. Flu information pack 2017/18: guidance
3. Flu information pack 2017/18: pharmacy staff guide
4. Administration of adrenaline SOP
5. Hand hygiene SOP
6. Maintaining cold-chain SOP
7. Needlestick injury and biohazard spillage SOP
8. Chaperone policy
9. Chaperone policy: FAQs
10. Chaperone policy: guidance
11. Chaperone policy: patient notice
12. Cold-chain products: date-checking matrix
13. Cold-chain products: drug alert log
14. Delegation of responsibilities
15. Pharmacy team declaration
16. Flu information pack 2017/18: vaccine information

The NPA flu resources are now available to download from the NPA website.

Pharmacy contractors are reminded of the requirement to notify NHS England of their intention to provide the NHS flu service; this can be done by completing the annual NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) notifi cation form.

The NPA also offers highly competitive rates for a full range of private fl u, oral and travel PGDs (with associated training) across all UK countries. You can now to book your full face-to-face vaccination training, or online refresher training, by visiting the NPA PGD website, or contact the NPA PGD team by email on

In addition, a business-to-business letter, generic fl u poster and template social media updates are available to be downloaded to promote the NHS and private flu service. Finally, NPA Sales offer products that can be used to promote and provide the NHS and private flu service including flu jab prescription alert stickers, flu prescription bags and flu vaccination kits – these can be purchased through the NPA Sales webshop.

For further information on this or any other query, please contact the NPA Pharmacy team on 01727 891 800 or email

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